How to make whatsapp chat on blogger

How to make whatsapp chat on blogger

This time I will share a lot about how to make whatsapp chat on blogger , this chat feature is needed to make it easier  for visitors to communicate directly with the blog owner.

So from that I got a widget called whatsapp chat support.

If you have a personal blog based on online sales, usually, this method is used by online shop business owners to simplify the process of chatting directly with the owner or with the admin. With just one click, prospective buyers can directly chat with the Admin directly without the need to add contacts first. It's easy right?

So, the customer can directly chat with the Admin or the owner directly regarding the items that the customer will buy. So, mate, isn't that easier?

In the world of technology, this feature is often referred to as the Whatsapp Auto Order Link, why? This application is often used by online shop owners as a straight way to order so that sellers and buyers can easily communicate in the ordering process.

Step 1 

You login to  Blogger  > Select Theme > Edit Html

Step 2

Look for the code </head>
in the HTML search field contained in the Blog and PASTE the code below right above  </head>.


<link rel='stylesheet' id='wptwa-public-css'  href='' type='text/css' media='all' />
 <link rel='stylesheet' id='wptwa-generated-css'  href='' type='text/css' media='all' />
 <script src=""></script>
 <script type='text/javascript' src='' defer='defer'></script>

Code can be copied 
Code here

Step 3

Look for the code </body> in the HTML and PASTE right above </body>

<div class="wptwa-container left-side" data-delay-time="0" data-inactive-time="0" data-scroll-length="0" data-auto-display-on-mobile="off">
    <div class="wptwa-box">
     <div class="wptwa-wrapper"> 
      <div class="wptwa-description">
       <p>Jika ada pertanyaan atau order tiket dengan senang hati kami melayani. Silakan Chat dengan Customer Service kami</p>
 <span class="wptwa-close"></span>
 <div class="wptwa-people"><a href=", Gotix Support" target="_blank" class="wptwa-account" data-number="6285211516055" data-auto-text="Gotix Support 1">
 <div class="wptwa-face"><img src="'" onerror="'none'"></img></div>
 <div class="wptwa-info">
 <span class="wptwa-title">Customer Support 1</span><span class="wptwa-name">Rudie Deskedo</span>
 <div class="wptwa-clearfix"></div></a><a href=", Gotix Support" target="_blank" class="wptwa-account" data-number="6285211516055" data-auto-text="Gotix Support 2">
 <div class="wptwa-face"><img src="'" onerror="'none'"></img></div>
 <div class="wptwa-info">
 <span class="wptwa-title">Customer Support 2</span>          
 <span class="wptwa-name">Rudie Deskedo</span>
 <div class="wptwa-clearfix"></div>
 <span class="wptwa-handler">
 <svg class="WhatsApp" width="15px" height="15px" viewBox="0 0 90 90">
 <path id="WhatsApp" d="M90,43.841c0,24.213-19.779,43.841-44.182,43.841c-7.747,0-15.025-1.98-21.357-5.455L0,90l7.975-23.522   c-4.023-6.606-6.34-14.354-6.34-22.637C1.635,19.628,21.416,0,45.818,0C70.223,0,90,19.628,90,43.841z M45.818,6.982   c-20.484,0-37.146,16.535-37.146,36.859c0,8.065,2.629,15.534,7.076,21.61L11.107,79.14l14.275-4.537   c5.865,3.851,12.891,6.097,20.437,6.097c20.481,0,37.146-16.533,37.146-36.857S66.301,6.982,45.818,6.982z M68.129,53.938   c-0.273-0.447-0.994-0.717-2.076-1.254c-1.084-0.537-6.41-3.138-7.4-3.495c-0.993-0.358-1.717-0.538-2.438,0.537   c-0.721,1.076-2.797,3.495-3.43,4.212c-0.632,0.719-1.263,0.809-2.347,0.271c-1.082-0.537-4.571-1.673-8.708-5.333   c-3.219-2.848-5.393-6.364-6.025-7.441c-0.631-1.075-0.066-1.656,0.475-2.191c0.488-0.482,1.084-1.255,1.625-1.882   c0.543-0.628,0.723-1.075,1.082-1.793c0.363-0.717,0.182-1.344-0.09-1.883c-0.27-0.537-2.438-5.825-3.34-7.977   c-0.902-2.15-1.803-1.792-2.436-1.792c-0.631,0-1.354-0.09-2.076-0.09c-0.722,0-1.896,0.269-2.889,1.344   c-0.992,1.076-3.789,3.676-3.789,8.963c0,5.288,3.879,10.397,4.422,11.113c0.541,0.716,7.49,11.92,18.5,16.223   C58.2,65.771,58.2,64.336,60.186,64.156c1.984-0.179,6.406-2.599,7.312-5.107C68.398,56.537,68.398,54.386,68.129,53.938z"></path>
 <span class="text">Customer Support</span></span>

You can copy the code below
Code Here

Okay, that's all the article that I gave today, don't forget to read my  article and how to hide the article image

About the author

Hamba Allah

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