3 Main Keys To Determining SEO
3 Main Keys To Determining SEO |
If this is your first visit to this site, then it's okay to browse the previous content. Especially related to the SEO strategy. The 3 main keys that determine this SEO, are the basis and determinants. So if you want to go back and forth, whatever optimization efforts are made, in the end it will return to these three points.
I will make this content material for the determining factor of SEO, concise, clear and in the shortest possible time. This is a secret that I use as a SEO service provider so far.
Let's just get on with it!
SEO On Site
SEO On Site is usually also known as On Page SEO. This includes basic SEO technical strategies.
When I say 'basic' here, I mean foundation. The main and very important part! As the next determining factor for SEO. You have to get through perfectly here, so that whatever you do next can have a positive impact.
There are basically two questions that a search engine robot asks, when someone enters a search query. Which websites in the index are most relevant to the related search? And, which websites are the most credible on this topic?
Furthermore, the robot in the form of an algorithm system then presents a list of websites in the form of a ranking of the most relevant and credible given to the user.
SEO On Site is the art of providing information to search engines. So that search engines can easily describe the content on your site. This should be absolutely clear! Does your site act as a provider of information in the form of a blog or selling products / services, or something else. And it should also be clear what industry you are in?
SEO On Site is a technique for optimizing a site so that it is easily read by search engines. That is through coding the 'keywords' into your website content. Effective keywords describe your product or service information in the same way potential visitors to your site would describe it.
This means that when your ideal prospect is looking for something, the search engines can easily find it on your site and determine it is highly relevant to your prospect's search.
Keywords are not the only factor that determines how optimal a website is to rank. Search engine crawler bots also take into account relative access times, site structure, site age, content count and many other factors.
SEO On Site should cover everything to make sure your website is something important to the right people.
Backlink Building Strategy
Building backlinks is a part of site optimization which is usually referred to as Off Page SEO. Or SEO outside of your site.
Off Page SEO is all about backlink building strategy! Nothing more and nothing less. Social media sharing is all about backlinks too!
After the search engine determines how relevant your website is to searchers on the topics contained in your site, then the robot will conduct a kind of assessment to determine how credible your website is on the related topic.
The most important way to do this is to look at other websites on the internet that are linked to yours. This relationship is in the form of a backlink. How many of them are there? And how credible are the sites themselves?
Search engines use a metric called domain authority (among other things) to rate each website in its index; in terms of how credible it is to the searcher. Websites with higher domain authority scores are ranked higher in search results. This is because the likelihood that they will be the answer searchers are looking for is higher.
Many SEO agencies and strategies focus on the number of backlinks. The more links to your site from other sites on the internet, the better. However, quality is also very important. If a site with a higher domain authority score links to your site, your site will automatically be considered the more credible the search engine has rated on that particular topic.
Optimization of building backlinks that are effective both in quantity and quality, as well as efforts to maintain backlinks in the sense that; it aims to build the number of backlinks while minimizing or eliminating backlinks from websites with poor domain authority scores.
The quantity and quality of backlinks is an indication of the authority of your site. The higher the authority, then it is a measure of the credibility of your site on a particular topic. Hence, here we can call backlinks the other most important determinant of SEO.
SERP Analytics
SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page. This is the website menu displayed by search engines in response to keyword requests. Where your website ranks on this menu for the right keywords is the ultimate goal of your SEO strategy.
The higher your website ranks, the more relevant and credible the assumptions are, the more click-through traffic you get from people searching for your products and services.
Simple reporting can show periodically where your website is ranking.
I have 501 total high quality backlinks, and Ahref version 61 Domain Rating and MOZ version 36 Domain Authority score.
Is there room for improvement? Always! But as long as I rank in the top 3-5 search results for some possible keywords I consider it a success.
This means that any potential client who enters the keyword I am ranked for into Google will see my website at the very top of their menu. At this point, do you know what that potential is for?
For SERP analysis you can use several tools, such as Google Analytics and several other SEO tools. Read: How to Check Backlinks: 6 Best 'Backlinks Checker' Tools.
Know where your site is? That's important for the optimization step. What are the things you need to do. Knowing what you need to do, it ensures you to find the most effective solution for your SEO strategy.
You may be able to implement a paid SEO strategy, if you have the funds to invest. And, there are lots of steps you can take on your own, when you have sufficient resources and time. It's like building a strategy.
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